Our System
AsONE eliminates the challenge of sustainable development. Through our unique facilitation process and system, we invite all stakeholders to the table to create a holistic strategic plan that leads to reformation.

Invited to Participate in Stewardship and Sustainability
Our CEO, Rick Summers, understands real estate. Creative and gifted, he can see potential. More than that he understands the deep value, economically and socially of the role property has in revitilizing neighbourhoods.
Gather the Community Invested in Revitalization
This is about connections. Identifying and inviting community stakeholders to the table is critical to the AsONE process. Our team understands the importance of connections, but more than that we understand the power in unifying the vision amongst the stakeholders.

Visioning Session
Once gathered they work towards consensus on a holistic vision and purpose for revitalization and resiliency.
Attract Investors
Using AsONE connections, we reach out to partners to provide resources. AsONE's model is to design all projects for sustainable impact.

Do It!
Knowing where we are going and who we are impacting is core to successful reformation. Bringing in the right team and stakeholders to make it happen is crucial. Once the vision is cast, we implement, transforming neighbourhoods to one of purpose and function.
Collaboration across societal sectors has emerged as one of the defining concepts of international development in the 21st century.
The Partnering Initiative: Maximising the Impact of Partnerships for the SDGs
Budget 2019 proposed to invest $950 million to increase energy efficiency in residential, commercial and multi-unit buildings
Canadian communities have access to a community foundation
1/3 of Canada’s 27,000 faith buildings could close permanently by 2030
(National Trust for Canada)